Generally, have porcelain nail removal done by a professional to avoid damaging the natural nails. Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will reveal how to remove porcelain nails to you. Just keep reading!
The technique involves using a nail file to remove the top layer of the nail. Then apply a special solvent to dissolve the rest of the nail. The professional then uses a metal spatula to gently scrape the surface of the nail and remove the remains of the porcelain nail.
After the false nails are removed, the natural nails need to be hydrated and nourished to help them recover and grow stronger. Porcelain nails are an attractive option for those looking to have long, strong nails. Porcelain nails don’t cause permanent damage to natural nails, as long as the technique is performed by a trained professional.
Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in some professional manicure kits to care for your nails!
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