How to solve your manicure cracking problem?
Categories: Nail care, Nails Art, Women Beauty

If you’re struggling to get a long-lasting, hard-wearing manicure, rest assured, we’ll show you some easy ways to protect your manicure and prevent your polish from breaking.

Take more time with your preparation steps

Breakage occurs when the powder doesn’t adhere properly to the nail. The first thing to do is start your manicure by properly preparing your nail bed. Gently push back the cuticles and make sure you do it right.

Buff your nails before starting your manicure

Lightly buffing your nails to smooth out any bumps, no matter how small or invisible, is another key to a long-lasting manicure. Use your nail buffer block to remove shine from the nail bed.

Fight greasy nails

There is a certain type of nail, that is stricken with what is affectionately called “oily nail syndrome. In this case don’t panic, you just have to degrease your nails by rubbing them gently with a cotton soaked in alcohol or acetone just before starting the application.

Now that you’ve know how to solve your cracking manicure problem, you can use gentle manicure sets to do your favorite manicure! If you don’t have nail tools, you can visit our nail supply store.

Read also: A simple sponge to get a perfect French manicure?

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